Monday, July 15, 2013

Book Club: "Strengths Finder 2.0" by Tom Rath

This book came highly recommended by our section President, Ashley!  She read it as a SWEFL before the Collegiate Leadership Forum.  Just as I was about to start reading it,  a coworker who read it as a part of a team building retreat was raving about it as well!  

Turns out this book is less of a novel and more of a personality assessment (like a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator sort of test).  The whole idea is to find what you have natural talent at so your energy can be invested into developing your strengths instead of correcting your deficiencies.  There is a thirty page introduction and explanation of the StrengthFinder 2.0 test.  The test itself is 177 questions and takes about 35 minutes.  The test reports back five strengths (of 34 common talents) that you then look up more information on in the book.  You can learn the blind spots of your strengths as well as how to apply your natural talent.

I found this was a useful look to what my strengths are!  This is good to know for self improvement and is also an easy answer in interviews when asked to describe your strengths (and weaknesses).  If you find analysis's of yourself helpful, this book and website provide excellent resources!


  1. I wasn't sure what to expect when I was asked to read Strength Finders 2.0 but I was pleasantly surprised by how accurate the results of the self-assessment were! By finding out my core strengths it has really helped me focus on building on my strengths and even helping me identify areas where I could improve myself.I would recommend this book to any college student or professional!

  2. I consider Strengths Finder 2.0 a valuable book in that it can help individuals to discover talents and more effectively use them. There is no doubt that this book helped me in my professional and private life, and I believe it can help others as well. I highly recommend this book to all people who want to learn more about themselves and see how far they can go with this knowledge in their lives.
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