Friday, May 27, 2011

All Members -- Vote on RPI SWE Bylaws!

Our Bylaws are a document that governs our section, describing our section objectives, officer goals, membership, election procedure, and everything in between. Since 2006 we have been editing our bylaws to more accurately reflect how our section works.
We need your help! Based on the major changes in these documents (as seen here) and the 2006 and 2011 versions, we need you to VOTE on whether or not to accept the 2011 edit of the RPI SWE Bylaws.

Vote here by June 12th. We appreciate your time on this issue, and hope to establish bylaws that will remain in place for years to come. Any additional bylaws questions can be directed to Cary Kaczowka.

Celebrate RPI SWE Recognizes Active Members

Congratulations and many thanks to our Celebrate RPI SWE award winners
 for their hard work and dedication to RPI SWE!

Carly-Jeanne Gardiner
 Outreach Award

 Elizabeth Plowman
Knowledge Source Award

Jenna Covil
Most Active Senior
& SWE Career

 Jessica Wong
Most Active Junior

Jenny Chan
Most Active Sophomore

Samantha Garrabrant
Most Active Sophomore

Stephanie Krom
Most Active Freshman

Thank you!

Summer Doesn't Stop RPI SWE!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! The RPI SWE Executive Board is continuing their diligence and hard work throughout the summer to ensure a fantastic 2011-2012 academic year for the SWE general body at RPI! From applying to grants and awards, to mailing out information to incoming freshman the RPI SWE E-Board does not take a vacation from SWE.
If you have any suggestions for this upcoming semester, contact one of the E-board Officers on the E-Board tab above! In the mean time, check out the new RPI SWE YouTube Channel!

Calling all members! We need more photos for the website! If you have photographs from RPI SWE events that you would like to share, contact Erin Hansen!